Welcome to Brunner & Associates, Inc.

Our passion is helping individuals and organizations to be all they can be.


Brunner & Associates, Inc., a consulting firm specializing in helping organizations and individuals with strategic planning, coaching, and other organizational and management issues. We also provide facilitation services to organizations and groups, helping them to address issues and reach agreement on important matters.






Simple Wisdom Tip #159: Start Small and Establish a Habit

I’ve recently heard reports from gyms and fitness centers all over the country that have seen huge increases in new members this January as another new year begins.  Yet already we’re hearing reports of big drop-offs before the month is even over!  Can you believe it?  Why is this happening?


I believe this phenomenon occurs every January as millions of Americans resolve to get in better shape this year.  But those resolutions rarely translate into a sustained exercise effort.  My suggestion is for folks to begin small, say, exercise three times (not five, six or seven) a week for at least 20 minutes.  Or even twice a week.  Will two 20-minute sessions do the job?  Of course not.  But you should be aiming to develop a habit.  Once that happens – say, for two or even three months – then slowly expand it to make your exercising routine more robust.






Simple Wisdom Tip #158: Skip New Year's Resolutions

 Ready to make some New Year’s Resolutions?  Not so fast.  They usually don’t work.  As Tony Schwartz points out in his insightful book, The Way We’re Working is Not Working, 25% of people abandon their New Year’s resolutions after one week, 60% within six months.  The average person makes the same resolution 10 separate times without success.  Wow!


Here’s a better approach.  Develop a series of clear, measurable, written objectives for 2025.  Then, break them into various subparts and assign those to specific months throughout the year. (i.e., when you’ll accomplish those parts).  Finally, refer to them as you do your weekly and daily planning throughout the year.  Those who follow this (or a similar) approach have a much, much higher rate of success.