Welcome to Brunner & Associates, Inc.
Our passion is helping individuals and organizations to be all they can be.
Brunner & Associates, Inc., a consulting firm specializing in helping organizations and individuals with strategic planning, coaching, and other organizational and management issues. We also provide facilitation services to organizations and groups, helping them to address issues and reach agreement on important matters.
Simple Wisdom Tip #157: Keep Your Lists Simple
David Allen talks about the danger of letting one’s lists (or a single master list if some just use that) get out of date. We start to avoid interacting with them and trusting that we have “captured it all” because we haven’t. This makes us less effective and we fall back into unhealthy habits like focusing on the urgent (rather than important) and using sticky notes, etc. I spent some time this last weekend reviewing and tightening up my lists so everything I have or do or want to do is reflected on them.
Doing this periodically makes me feel terrific! Why don’t you give it a try?
Simple Wisdom Tip #156: Be cheerful, optimistic person
Psychologist Martin Seligman says research shows that optimistic people are happier, healthier and more successful than those with a negative perspective on life. Proverbs makes this clear (“A cheerful heart is good medicine”). Plus, people respond much better to those who are cheerful and optimistic than to those who are gloomy and pessimistic. This single change in outlook, if one can do it, will pay dividends in lots of ways.