Simple Wisdom Tip #143: Importance of Finishing Well

One thing many of us don’t think about is ending well.  We tend to be concerned with getting a position, getting to a specific level or place, but we rarely give much thought to when it’s time to end something.  I’ve seen this often in positions of power and influence, including lots of leaders (CEOs, head pastors, presidents, chairmen, whatever) – in politics, athletics, entertainment, whatever.  For example, I prayed and thought hard about stepping down from my CEO position and, more recently, from a leadership position with a significant ministry organization.  The key is to leave when they still want you.  Looking back I believe the timing was perfect.


Recently, my wife and I decided – also with a lot of thought and prayer – to sell our lovely house of 35 years and move into a senior community.  As you know, older folks often find it very difficult to leave their homes although the time has come.  Many become less capable of taking care of the house and yard, and things begin to slowly deteriorate.  Our move was into a wonderful community with several levels depending on one’s health.  After almost three months, we are very happy.